
AI Booking Assistant

Now in alpha testing

Step 1.


Just an email and a password

Step 2.

Send your Event History

Tell us about some events you've particpated in if you're not in our database.

Step 3

Prompt our AI for booking recommends

Get Booking

"Like a playlist of booking options"

Use our service to speed up your search for booking opportunities.

Future Goals

As you may already understand this is an MVP project that we hope grows by meeting the needs and interests of independent professionals. We are so thankful for every sign-up and appreciate opportunities to connect and improve this service for you, and encourage you to engage with us to course correct and improve its performance.


Purchase Contact Information

If we experience enough growth with this product, the next step would be to purchase contact information for decision-makers to put our users that much closer to the action. It's not cheap though, so get your friends to sign up too!

Expanded Features

We obvioulsy hope this product grows after the work and effort we've put into it. But we're also hoping that as each user joins and provides access to their event history the number of recommendations and opportunities that come about for the entire population of users improves as well. Each additional event, venue, and artist that's added to the database can become a new potential booking option for every other user on the platform exponentially increasing opportunities for all.

As the core functionality of the service begins to better match user's expectations we hope to include additional features to delight and accelerate productivity. Connecting it to services like LavenderAI would allow the service to rapidly forward intro emails to prospective artists and talent buyers. We're also very open to other suggestions that users may have :-)

Real-Time Analysis

As various LLMs improve, we eventually expect some to gain access to the internet for real-time analysis of events and opportunities. At that time, we expect the highest level of accuracy in booking and tour routing to be available to our users.

Send Prompts Below for Recommendations


Please be aware the product above has the following limitations.Awareness: This product is currently only aware of performances between 2011 & 2017. Events, Venues, and Artists that were not active during this time period may not be included in this iteration of the service. Please use the button below to give us permission to use your event history so we can add you to our database for recommendations in the future.Loss of focus: Ensure that you provide direct and focused prompts to this AI as generalized and unfocused prompts will lead to poor responses by the LLM. If this occurs, please refresh the page to start a new session.Limited recommendations until update: We try to update recommendations every two weeks so you may find that the LLM may repeat or only give you a limited number of responses to start.